Notice: Membership Duration

Deerdale Membership runs from when you join to 31st December. This membership is for 2024. 

Deerdale Membership which enables you to race at Club meetings at a discounted rate (Please note that BRCA membership is required in order to compete in a club meetings). Also it gives you access to track for practice any day of the week (Some restrictions may apply)

Please note that there may be some days where the track is closed for 10th scale meetings. These dates will be posted on the website and emailed to members when this information is known.

All members need to follow the membership rules, The rules document is available to download under the members only section. A copy of the rules are also sent out with your membership card

Allow up to 14 days from joining/renewing for your membership card to arrive.



Attention: When Renewing Deerdale Membership

If you are renewing your membership, please ensure you are logged into your correct Deerdale Account, charges apply to reprints

Important Information About The Club and The BRCA

The safety of everyone whether you are a driver, marshal or spectator is a priority at Deerdale RC. Using RC vehicles is a dangerous sport/hobby but when done properly accidents are a rare occurrence. But to be covered for those rare occasions there is the BRCA (British Radio Controlled Association) which looks after all aspects of the RC hobby. 

Membership of BRCA covers the drivers/ marshals and pit crew for those unexpected accidents that may happen. All race meetings/nationals stipulate you need to be a member to enter. Most drivers know this but PIT CREW and SUBSTITUTE MARSHALLS have to be a member too.  

BRCA Senior Drivers membership      £25

BRCA Junior Driver Membership        £15

BRCA Pit Crew/Marshall/Non Driver   £10


Every person who enters the confines of the track including pit lane and rostrum has to be a member. Spectators watching activity on the track should be behind the track safety barriers at all times and not in the pit lane or on the rostrum.

Membership for the BRCA can we found on their website www.BRCA.Org

We will be asking Deerdale members and any visiting drivers and pit crew to show their membership cards this weekend and any one not found to have one will be reminded that they need one


Early Bird Discount 

This past year we have put a lot of time, money and effort into the club to make some great changes and improvements. There is also some big investments going into the track as well. So because of this the membership price has gone up to £50 however we are offering an early bird discount from 1st November to 31st December at £40 using promo code EarlyBird 

Please note if you pay full price and haven't read this information no refunds will be given 

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